Profilo di Chica Yoshida

Neue Haas Grotesk - Type Specimen Poster

// Neue Haas Grotesk Type Specimen Poster //

Type Specimen design for one of my favourite typefaces – Neue Haas Grotesk.
The digital version of Helvetica that everyone knows and uses today is quite different from the typeface’s pre-digital design from 1957.Originally released as Neue Haas Grotesk, many of the features that made it a Modernist favourite have been lost in translation over the years from one typesetting technology to the next.
The type specimen is printed double sided and folds down from A1 to A4. 
Neue Haas Grotesk - Type Specimen Poster

Neue Haas Grotesk - Type Specimen Poster

Type Specimen design for one of my favourite typefaces – Neue Haas Grotesk. The digital version of Helvetica that everyone knows and uses today Leggi di più
