Petrosur is an oil and gas company headquartered in Paraguay. It’s a young competitor in a very crowded market but still quickly made it to the 4th place in audience polls with relatively low overall brand recognition but high loyalty among its current audience. In 2020 approached Brandon looking to create a new brand for their line of diesel fuels.

Market studies revealed the need to simplify its offering with a clearer brand architecture while also an opportunity on the high performance and premium cars market. The solution was based on the notion that Petrosur has two very distinct kind of audiences: people that have a pragmatic approach at cars and people who are trully passionate about them. We took advantage of the brand recognition the Activa sub brand already had in their current lineup and created a new identity for the premium line: Forza. 

With this new brand architecture Petrosur was able to simplify its offering and clarify its communication strategy for current and new audiences. Activa and Forza reinforces Petrosur's commitment for developing high quality products with a great value for money and contributes to the brand equity of the parent company with a simplified offering in a very crowded and satured market.

Client: Petrosur
Sector: Transport, Manufacturing & Industrials
Work: Brand Architecture, Naming, Visual Identity, Communication Guidelines

Project Team: Alejandro Ojeda, Juan Manuel Cabarcos, Fabio López
Commercial Team: Johanna Cattoni, Fabio López

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Activa / Forza

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Activa / Forza

Brand strategy and product architecture for Petrosur, a paraguayan fuel and energy company.
