Nathan Gokhool 的個人檔案



Library Blog
My first step was to spot the video and create sound list with specific time code.
I then researched companies, businesses, and tourist attractions that I had deemed had appropriate sound sources for the video I was working on.
I built up relationships with the key personnel in these organisations in order to gain access to the people or equipment required.
For the recordings I utilised a 744t and a Zoom H4n. I also experimented with different sample rates using 24/96k to capture high frequencies more efficiently.
I used a range of microphones to capture specific recordings and perspectives from drum mic’s to capture the bass to M/S mic’s so I could really control the stereo image in post.
 During editing I set up a 6-track Protools session
Initially I would have all the raw sounds placed on the top  stereo track
< >Then I would split the file on to 3 separate tracks  

M1 For the left track
S1  For the right track
S2  Duplicate the right track  and invert the phase

Then I route all these tracks via a FX bus to a AUX TRACK entitled PROCESSING instated on this track are the following plugins:
Waves Q10 EQ
Hybrid Waves Compressor
Ozone 4 (harmonic exciter, reverb, MS stereo shifter)
C4 Multiband compressor
I then routed the processing track to Stereo Record bounce down track.
The Record track is recorded to a master out which has L316 brick wall it would also allow me to give a further layer of sculpting to the sound before recording.
The main frustration with this method was with the Ozone 4 plugin. I would find bizarrely for a dynamics plugin this would frequently crash or hang my session. In future I would stick to waves plug ins and a reverb aux set up.
This is unfortunate since that plugin has some really nice features for exciting harmonics and controlling stereo imaging.

Responsibilities included :

< >Spotting session , compiling lists of sounds to be recorded Calling and contacting various organisations to arrange recording sessionsSetting up and maintaining recording equipment and microphone placementRecording, editing and mastering sound effects, using waves pluginsRenaming file names and bouncing them out to appropriate folders 

