1. Artist Publication: Chiharu Shiota
A bilingual book that is translated both in Japanese and English. It includes information about the artist that entails her biography, a timeline of her work, and an interview by Ana Bodgan. This book was hand-stitched with a french fold bind and designed using Adobe InDesign. The cover is a recreation of a technique Shiota uses in her installations. (“CHIHARU SHIOTA: “THE FEAR IS NECESSARY” The Talks, 3 Apr. 2019)

2. Hidden Numbers
A creative way to exhibit numbers in a way that is not initially apparent to the user. The solution was this wooden box that housed ten thaumatropes that reveal the numbers 0 - 10 when spun.

3. Talk & Motion
A sculpture that is activated by sound.ft. wood, acrylic, magnets, motors, and human interaction.

4. The Past is Present
Interactive installation featuring a projector that streams a live webcam feed. The program draws at a rate that is determined by the mouse's x & y position on the computer screen.
Projects designed by Justine Guzman
Check out more of Justine's work on her website

Justine Guzman

Justine Guzman

Justine Guzman was born and raised in California. She is currently attending the School of the Art Institute of Chicago with a focus in both the 阅读更多内容
