Greta Janutytė's profileLaurynas Kamarauskas's profile

Masters of Education: 2


Ugdymo meistrai — Masters of Education. NO 2: "How to evaluate a person?". The topic of this issue is assessment and evaluation. In the texts you will find both hard (grades, rankings, scores) and soft (each other’s assessment, self-assessment, feedback) evaluation approaches. Because the topic of the issue is quite complex and ambiguous, it was decided to create a double-sided cover that reveals a double-gaze look at the person.


DESIGN — Greta Janutytė
COVER ART — Laurynas Kamarauskas
PHOTOGRAPHY — Greta Janutytė
HELPING HAND — Greta Cibulskaitė
CLIENT — Mokymosi mokykla
 YEAR — 2020

You can buy magazine HERE

Masters of Education: 2

Masters of Education: 2
