Sean ni's profile

Pen Holder Craft

Today I'd like to share handwork I made while I was a lockdown at home. In my daily life, Pen is an indispensable tool for me, Whenever I am drawing, I will use a lot of pens. Besides, sometimes I am too focused on my works, the used pens scrolls everywhere on the ground and the table, and it is very hard to tidy up.
So I decided to find a way to put something on the table that could be sorted, and a pen holder would be a good choice, but since it i am in a lockdown, i can't buy one so I decided to make my own. Using cardboard and boxes will be the the easiest way to build it out because it is easy to diy. i have thinked about using used facemasks to make a pencil case but it's pretty dangerous because of it might contain virus. So I founded my family's discarded delivery boxes and start sketching out the structure of the pen holder. 
i tried a sevral concepts and added more sections I have measured the size of each boxes than cuuting them up and gluying them together os they look more tidyer. Also i have tired to put my pens in the holder to see if it fits before i glue them on.
                                                     This is the finished pen holder.
i think this deisgn is quite succseful, The problem have been solved, now i don't have to pick all my pens up after drawing.  And it is enviromental friendly, all the meterial are from discarded box. but the only thing that I am not happy of is the looking of this pen holder, because of i don't have much boxes at home so there are some bad parts i have to just leave it there. Maybe spraying painting it in the future will make it look a bit better.
Pen Holder Craft

Pen Holder Craft


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