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Title Design Process for Leila on Netflix India

Title Design Process for Leila on Netflix India
Leila is a book first and a series later. Written by Prayag Akbar this book holds up a mirror to our current reality of polarising politics.We do not consider this piece of literature as fiction or dystopia but instead an essay on our times.
Initial Concept
What would you do if your child was lost in the rubble of world lost ? You would want to look through every piece of debris for a clue. 
This direction was meant to be a short stark Title unit that would appear alone at a heightened point of the edit. We suggested that the rest of the titles appear on footage or in the end credits 

Contextually Descriptive direction
This direction was built on the various propaganda material that is widely used in the series. The space imagined is a forgotten land - a crack between the walls 
We imagined that the escape from these narrowing walls led to the finding of true light and meaning - the finding of her daughter.
This is a work in progress Animatic and story version  - which didn't make it further into full production.
Lead up to the Final Titles on the Platform
The titles of this show appear in no fixed format across the series and is sandwiched between two shots of varying visual depth and heightened emotions. We had to design a title sequence that could act as a pause in action or heighten the drama.

We proposed that the titles to force a break in a feeling. Whether heightened or just transitioning, the titles help you catch your breath and find your reality in the dystopian world that is shown in the series. 
To know more visit our website : www.theswitchstudio.com 
We look forward to collaborations as well as commissions.
Title Design Process for Leila on Netflix India

Title Design Process for Leila on Netflix India
