The project was to create a music retreat center located on the Caribbean Island of Montserrat. The island of Montserrat previously was the home to the music studio ‘Associated Independent Recording’ (AIR). AIR music studio was the “epicenter of the international music scene where musicians like Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney used to record their albums” (Uni). The music produced at AIR created a communal experience between the locals and artists. It was where over sixty albums were recorded by legendary musicians (Nessy). Devastatingly, in 1995, the Soufriere Hills Volcano in Montserrat erupted. This volcano led to evacuation of the island and specifically, where the AIR music studio was located, is now labeled as an exclusion zone. 

Today, the music studio is still abandoned and is engulfed by vegetation. Twenty years later the island of Monserrat’s economy and landscape has been revived since the Soufriere Hills volcanic eruption. As a result, the inhabitants and the government are seeking to design a new music studio space that holds the same prestige as the AIR music studio. This new music retreat center is part of the design competition entitled, ‘Tropical House’. The winner of the competition will be awarded a $20,000.00 grant towards building their music retreat center (Uni). 
The design of the Switenia closed performance space is to create connections between the audience and the performer. The design will give visitors a feeling of inclusion, togetherness and unity, like a safe zone that is harmonic, and peaceful. Users will be immersed within the design in order to have transportative experiences, drawing humanity closer together and creating memorable connections. The design interplays contradictions: intimacy and monumentality, stillness and movement. The shape of the design has circular and dome forms that are based off of the florals of Montserrat, how fragile yet strong they are. 
Switenia - Performance Space Design

Switenia - Performance Space Design
