Xmass - It's time to call each other by name 
 ~ the meaning of the TYSKIE campaign slogan.
The TELEVISOR's machines worked at full capacity to create a festive atmosphere of shots in the middle
of summer. Through CGI, we wanted to give them maximum realism, and this is how the TYSKIE train in the Christmas edition was created. It was inspired by the railway that has been operating in the Brewery in Tychy since 1893 until today.

Realism was our priority, and the key - references. Access to an existing train and the ability to capture it in
two shots was of great importance for the efficient post-production process - making a very accurate model, recreating textures and motion. Finally, in all shots, the train was replaced with a digital version, and the
steamit generated has remained in the shots only to a small extent.

Each shot required an individual approach in the process of steam simulation - generating the
right amount and density to reproduce its behavior in low temperature conditions and to adjust
its "smoke escape" to the speed of the train.

Combining CGI with shots shot in such a way, as to maintain realism, is always the biggest challenge, especially when you have to create a winter festive atmosphere and it's the middle of summer outside the window.

In both distant and near plans, we added snow in shots and additionally in a floe on the river. In addition, three shots in the film were generated almost or 100% digitally - a wide picturesque opening shot of the TYSKIE BREWERY (digital matte painting) and 2 shots from the ride of the train (100% 3D).

The devil is in the details - the mini-incompatibilities cause discomfort, which in
some areas, eg. animation and robotics, is so strong that the viewer ceases to
believe that a given situation or scene is really happening. The concept of uncanny
valley explains this phenomenon. Thanks to attention to the smallest details and
the ability to see the train in the frame, recordings of motion references, and above
all, the execution of a full 3D scan of the train opened the way for us to the valley of
amazingness in the Tyskie Xmass project.


Client: TYSKIE 
Agency: bardzo. 
PostProduction: TELEVISOR 
Director: Karolina Lewicka, Tomek Kapuściński 
Production: OTO Film 
Supervisor: Karol Zakrzewski 
Rendering Artists: Marcin Dzieniszewski, Grzegorz Czarnota,
Szymon Burzawa, Igor Chołda 
FX/3D Tracking: Dominik Kosik 
Animation Artist: Gosia Chłopek 
Matte Painting: Damian Bajowski 
Rotoscoping: Piotr Denys 
Compositing Artists: Hubert Dłużniewski, Damian Bogusiak,
Maria Koleśnik, Wojtek Świątek 
Rigging Artist: Giacomo Venturi 
FX: SENZO Studio 
Edit: Łukasz Szwarc 
Color: Frederick van Eden 
Sound: Juice Sound

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The TELEVISOR's machines worked at full capacity to create a festive atmosphere of shots in the middle of summer. Through CGI, we wanted to give 阅读更多内容
