Profil appartenant à Brian Jacobson

Paleo Illustrations

During the great American interchange terror birds and saber toothed cats may have crossed paths.
American Lion
American lion chasing a bison in winter.
Miracinonyx, the American cheetah are thought to be the reason pronghorn can run up to 60 miles per hour.
Studies suggest possible ice sheets in Antarctica when dinosaurs were also on the continent, is it possible some may have adapted to the cold?
Crested Dinosaur in a mountain setting.
Tyrannosaurus rex
Anurognathidae were a family of small bat like pterosaurs, having four wings may have helped micro-raptors make the quick maneuvers needed to ambush flying creatures.
Surprised Moari hunter finds himself in the middle of a moa being attacked by a Haast’s eagle.
Paleo Illustrations
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Paleo Illustrations

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