Profil von Karabo Poppy Moletsane

#ClimateStrike - WeTransfer + WePresent


When is comes to the poster, I was inspired to create a poster addressing Global Warming.  Specifically the effect of Global Warning on the African continent.  Seeing photographs of how the top of Mount Kilimanjaro in Kenya has vastly deteriorated and melted because of the effects of Global Warming I felt this sudden urge to embrace the Earth and almost reassure her that her cries don’t fall on deaf ears but many are banding together to change this devastation.  To change denial, blind eyes and miseducation to all people when it comes to Global Warming as our way of giving the Earth a reassuring embrace as we cry with her because there is no planet after this one here.

Download a social media and printable version here.
For social media
For print
#ClimateStrike - WeTransfer + WePresent


#ClimateStrike - WeTransfer + WePresent
