Amanda Moody 的个人资料

Energy Efficiency Animations

Energy Efficiency Animations
Our client came to us to create a series of animation to educate energy consumers on customer rebates and energy efficiency services they offered. We wanted to emphasize the warmth of the (now energy efficient!) homes with textures and warm jewel tones throughout the animation. 
The style for the video was developed collaboratively, with myself and Trevor Piecham both working on style frames, designs and storyboards for the final animations
We shot with a wide range of actors to create multiple versions of each video to represent the full breadth of family dynamics.
  BGE SESP Smart Thermostats was a 2021 Gold Telly Winner in Online Commercials: Use of 2D Animation

Produced and Directed by ICF creative leadership team
Design:   Amanda Moody, Trevor Piecham
Animation:  Amanda Moody, Trevor Piecham
Text Layouts: Brynne Kelly
Live Action: DC Collective
Animation created to help consumer's select the correct LED bulb from the BGE marketplace.
Produced and Directed by ICF
Design:   Amanda Moody, Trevor Piecham
Text Layouts: Brynne Kelly
Animation:  Amanda Moody, Trevor Piecham
Text Layouts: Brynne Kelly
Live Action: DC Collective
Energy Efficiency Animations

Energy Efficiency Animations
