Perfil de Teresa Williams

AR Filter for Instagram - Cuyamaca Grad

AR Filter - Cuyamaca Grad
Created for Instagram and Facebook
This is one of the first two filters I ever created on an older version of Spark AR. Because of COVID, students were not going to have a traditional graduation. The Director of Marketing and Communications at Cuyamaca College tasked me with created a custom Cuyamaca graduation filter to give students something special to celebrate their achievements. She wanted a graduation cap, confetti, and the Cuyamaca word mark included. I went the extra mile and customized the confetti to have blue graduation caps and "Class of 2020" as well as the traditional Graduation music "Pomp and Circumstance" playing inside the filter. Instagram and Facebook's Filter policy at the time did not approve of static text and branding had to be interactive. To get away with that, I added the text and branding on balloons that float up as well as customizing one of the confetti to read "Class of 2020" so that it did not break any policies and still meet my client's demands.

Where to Find:
• Currently uploaded on the Instagram and Facebook profile for Cuyamaca College
• You can find it at in the filters section or search “Cuyamaca” in the Instagram Filter search engine.

Filter includes:
• 3d graduation cap colored deep blue per client’s request
• 2 particle systems to look like custom confetti
     First confetti is a custom "Class of 2020"
     2nd confetti is a blue graduation cap
•  2-4 Delayed particle systems of custom balloons floating up
     Blue Balloons with the words "Class of 2020"
     Gold Balloons with the words "Cuyamaca College"
• Graduation music titled “Pomp and Circumstance” plays as audio
Filter Published March 2020
AR Filter for Instagram - Cuyamaca Grad

AR Filter for Instagram - Cuyamaca Grad
