Marta Orias's profile

Short User Experience Design Sample

Brief Sample UX: 
Supermarket Online Shopping Experience Improvements
This process was performed as a short exercise of user experience design technics. The platform is an online shopping portal for a national supermarket. 

The first step was approaching a sample user to understand their perspective about the product. The selected research method for this approach was an interview. The interview started with some questions about their perspective of the product, the experience with it and the brand. The interviewee allowed be to see her placing her next order on the website. 

Her identity is kept secret as per her wishes. 
The main findings of the research were portrait in an empathy map that later translated to a user's journey map.
Base on the findings, a set of improvements were suggested. 
Product Details Page
Original Page:
-Re-position "Go Back" for users to see it.
-Clear horizontal navigation
-Re-position "Add to Favorites" for users to see it and understand it is link with the product they are seeing. 
Order Details Page
Original Page:
-Add the option to report problems with the order.
-Add the option to order the same list of products again.
Response After Adding Product to Cart
-Clarify why there may be a difference between the price at the details of the product and the price in the cart. This was causing a big headache for the users. 
Short User Experience Design Sample


Short User Experience Design Sample


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