
Bean's Burgers

01 | Personal Project

For various reasons, I have recently decided to eat meat more consciously and sustainably. I try to avoid it as much as possible, so I started looking for ways to enjoy a good burger without meat. During my search, I came across bean burgers and was thrilled by the taste and the minimal effort required to prepare them. Since Covid-19 is allowing me to improve my skills, I designed a brand identity for a vegetarian burger restaurant – called Bean's Burgers.

The simplified oval and round shapes reflect the diversity of the different types of beans and the fresh color scheme stands for lightness and healthy food. Bean burgers are not only healthy, but they are also not as heavy on the stomach as meat, I felt satiated after the meal but not overfull - I recommend it to everyone! It's super yummy! :)

love animals. eat plants. 

Bean's Burgers

Bean's Burgers

Brand Identity for vegetarian Burger Restaurant
