Profil von Marinda Botha

2012 - Art installation piece with Stop Motion Armature

In 2012 I created an instillation piece for an art exhibition, using two stop motion puppets with wire armature, wood and projection.
The instillation is an investigation into a  much larger project I wish to do in the future. The piece portrays one scene from a stop motion film I wish to create, centered around the main protagonist “Garingkie” (little thread).
The write up for the exhibition id below:

“Say yes.”
Marinda Botha
First installation piece – Mixed media

This artwork represents the climax scene from a short film I am busy developing.  The film will make use of puppetry and stop motion and will hopefully go into production next year. I am using art classes at the studio to assist me in exploring character designs, themes and possible “worlds” that could fit in with the story line.

The protagonist’s name is “Garinkie”. I am currently exploring incorporating thread and thread-like textures into the style of the designs of the characters and the set.  This choice is new to me, as I’ve never really had an affinity for such textures  I’m hoping it will open up exciting possibilities for me. 

One of the main themes of the narrative is light and shadow, which “Say yes” is meant to explore. I am also fascinated by “the other self” and the “unknown”. 

What happens when you are confronted by another self? Do you recoil? Do you like what you see? Do you fall in love or look the other way? 

We are all on a journey, seeking many different things. “Say yes” explores what could happen when you actually FIND something, albeit something you thought you did not want. 

What do you do when you actually find what you want? 

Would you recognize it?

2012 - Art installation piece with Stop Motion Armature

2012 - Art installation piece with Stop Motion Armature

An art installation piece utilizing stop motion puppets, wire, wood and projection.
