Connecting people and the environment

CRC were looking to update their existing brand with an identity that could also work with the new sub-brand, CRC Trails. With this new sub-brand focused on mountain bike trails and path projects, the brand as a whole should not only appeal to the biking community but also retain a professional look for their main client base.

Established as a one-man operation by managing director Chris Rogerson, CRC has continued to grow and develop to the business you see today. From the beginning of one man and a digger, CRC has invested in the necessary equipment and experienced personnel to allow them to undertake projects of all sizes, usually with a few underways at the same time.

CRC is now an established limited company regularly undertaking work for government contracts, community groups and private enterprises. With CRC Trails developing footpath and mountain biking trail projects and further becoming established as a preferred contractor for several trail designers and clients to bring their visions to life.

Photograph by @57media_ 




Brand identity for CRC.Scot
