Facebook:  Design, photography and community management of Panasonic Automotive's Facebook page:  
Life at Panasonic Aero Faceebook page
Twitter:  Panasonic Automotive's Twitter career page and maintained the community
Blogs:  Panasonic Automotives Blog we designed and write content.
Glassdoor:  Created YP's Enhanced Brand page on Glassdoor
LinkedIn:  Designed four pages for YP (Technology, Sales, University and Main career page), above is the Technology page 
Facebook:  Created, designed and managed YPCareers Facebook page
YouTube:  Created and managed the YP Careers YouTube channel
Facebook:  Where it all began for MUZE, we designed the Facebook page for Case-Mate Careers 
Blog:  Case-Mate Careers blog we built and wrote blog copy for until Aug 2013  
Shameless Plug:  Of course our own Facebook page
Social Media

Social Media

We created social media sites but more importantly created the social strategy
