My challenge was to create a gig poster for a band that doesn't exist, using Adobe Illustrator. I wanted to make it something that would interest me but also look relatively real. Mockup found here
I started by making a few names I thought were pretty interesting, and making some basic sketches based off of those. This turned to limit me, however, though it did give me something to start with. Some of the themes I noticed through these sketches ultimately evolved into the idea I used in the end. 
My first draft was very based off of the name I came up with, Sunny Day Nights. I realized through working on it for a while that I really didn't like it. It didn't give off what I wanted from it and it was going to be way too much work for such little payoff. Working on this draft and thinking of the earlier sketches though I managed to think of something else that I thought could work. 
So I got back to work on my new idea, originally also based off the same name, I received some critique that the name didn't need to, and was typically even better off, when the name didn't mean anything to the picture. With this, the picture took on a whole new meaning to me as I chose a different name and allowed the picture to grow on its own. It changed from a sun in a night sky to plainly a light in the darkness, it now allows for a lot more ambiguity that lets people understand it differently. Personally, this poster works pretty well for what I set out for it to be. It captures my attention, with an idea that evokes certain feelings that could represent a real band. 
Men Among Kings

Men Among Kings
