Pangea is a symbol of unity. Scientists are saying that 300 million years ago, all existing continents merged into one supercontinent. They also predict that as a result of the tectonic movement of the plates, all continents will reunite in 250 million years again. 

My Pangaea is a manifest to the Unity of Ukrainian people against such urgent problem as a waste disposal. Can you even imagine, 95% of trash in Ukraine are not recyclable? Area of garbage polygons in Ukraine is almost equal to the area of Denmark.

People are trying to do little steps by themselves, but its not enough. Because we should create new habits for people to recycle waste in a easier way. For everyone - from little village to the big city.

Pangea is a group of hangers designed for the home with meaning, to meet the aesthetic needs of the home. For those who want to bring art, in addition to ordinary functionality, to everyday life. 

Material of hangers: recycled plastic​​​​​​​
video: "Kosmo" You Tube Channel
photo: Wikipedia

