Best substitute for Regular white sugar - Palm Sugar

One of the healthiest sugar when compared to regular white sugar is Palm Sugar. It is made by extracting the sap from the palm tree. Once it is extracted it is then filtered using a cloth and then heated in a vessel until all the water content is evaporated in it and the consistency thickens. Then the thickened sap is left to cool down and the sap gets into a grainy consistency and ready to be packed. It is always advised to purchase from a authentic Palm Sugar manufacturer to avoid being cheated

Benefits of Palm Sugar

Contains less glucose
Low Glycemic Index
Promotes Digestion
Rich in Antioxidants
Better Immunity
Good Nervous System Health

While researchers suggest that palm sugar may be a healthier alternative to sweeteners like white sugar, brown sugar, or honey, it should still be consumed in moderate quantities to avoid health complications.
Palm Sugar

Palm Sugar
