Perfil de Glenn Delve

Glenn Delve - My Top 5 Books

Glenn Delve - My Top 5 Books

Like any other successful businessman, I often get asked where I gain most of my knowledge. Other than taking risks and personal experience – two things that can’t be taught – my next best source is books.

While I can’t teach you which risks to take, I can help by offering my top list of books that I return to again and again for useful information. Here are my top 5 books that have really changed my mindset and the way I do business.

Secrets of a Millionaire Mind – T HarvEker

In Secrets of a Millionaire Mind, Eker lays bare what separates ‘poor man’ thinking from ‘rich man’ thinking. It is a book that challenges us somewhat reserved English people to pronounce out loud what we want, and before you you ‘poo poo’ that idea, it is now backed by science and is a recognised way of re-writing neural pathways. If you are not as wealthy as you like, then ignore this book at your peril. I re-read this once a year to keep me on track!

Life Leverage – Rob Moore

Rob Moore is a man of many business strategies, and by far the most successful of all of them is that he has mastered the art of leveraging just about everything! In fact, if he hasn’t leveraged it, it is probably simply because he loves it and doesn’t want to hand it off to anyone else! He is known for being a successful property investor, but he himself will tell you that 90% of this is down to his business partner! Accordingly, his book Life Leverageis not so much about property investment, but instead looks at how to outsource everything in your life that doesn’t add value. It’s about balancing work and pleasure to live mini-retirements throughout your life rather than setting your sights on an end goal 30-40 years from now.

The Slight Edge – Jeff Olson

The Slight Edge has the power to change the way you live your life, not just the way you work. Its philosophy is built around using small daily actions to constantly build a bigger sense of success. It focuses on the long haul rather than short-term goals. When it comes to successful business, the long haul is where to focus.

The Compound Effect – Darren Hardy

I feel The Compound Effect works well alongside Olson’s book because the two share similar philosophies. It focuses on the idea that daily actions shape your eventual life path, and that things can only be improved if they’re quantified. The Compound Effect, as the name implies, gets you to build on your actions to chart progress and multiply your sense of success. Using this method, even small achievements feel like they have impact. In truth, if you are pressed for time you could flip a coin and read either this or Jeff Olson’s book so I’ve decided to make this ONE book selection.

Traction – Gino Wickman

All businesses need a system for growth. What stops lots of businesses from achieving the growth they desire is an unclear system. Regardless of industry or goals, almost all businesses can implement the same basic operating system. This is what Traction teaches: a usable system is a cornerstone to success.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen Covey

This classic business book should not need an introduction, and if it did the title of it tells you everything you need to know. If you want to be effective, then you need to know and master these ‘7 Habits’. A must read.


If you’re setting yourself up on the path to success, one of the best bits of advice I can give is to invest in yourself. One of the easiest ways to do this is by reading; you might think your position is unique, but chances are someone has been there, done that, and written about it. Hopefully some of the entries on my top 5 list will help drive you towards business success.

Glenn Delve - My Top 5 Books
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Glenn Delve - My Top 5 Books

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