710 OIL
This is a collection of pitch work highlights I recently put together for a recreational cannabis vaporizer brand called 710 OIL. This project involved both logo exploration work as well as packaging concepts.
Most of the design work on the packaging was intended to strike a balance between feeling playful and and feeling premium. I relied on bold colors and patterns contrasted against minimalist type elements and gold foiling to help get there.
Color was used to signify major product categories segmented by effect on its user. Ruby signified an active, outgoing effect. Emerald, a focus state. And sapphire, a calming effect that might serve as a prelude to a good night's rest.
I also played around a bit with including landscape imagery in the designs.
And here's just a small sampling of some of the early developmental work on the logo design. The goal was to get a nice stacked and horizontal version that complemented each other well.
Thanks for peeping! 👀

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710 OIL


710 OIL

Branding and packaging exploration for a recreational cannabis vaporizer brand called 710 OIL.
