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Tottoos - Rebrand & Advertising Refresh

The goal of this brand revamp was to provide Tottoos with the brand assets they needed to create a cohesive brand image and make a memorable impression in their digital marketing efforts to set them apart from their competitors. 

What the old branding lacked in polish, it made up for in swag. It was important that we improve the quality of the graphics so Tottoos' growth and development wouldn't be stunted by something as mundane as resolution and file format requirements. However, at the same time, we wanted to make sure that we maintained the fun, silly, badass feeling of the brand that tapped into the power of meme culture and impulse shopping; we wanted to make sure the end result was guilty pleasure junk food, not garbage. 


One irresistible application of the logo was to turn it into a bumper sticker. 

Although we did design a colorized version of the bumper sticker, the one color design was ultimately the most cost effective and made the most practical sense. 

A neon sign theme was one concept that emerged from the early ideation phase and became the clear winner as we looked at the brand designs through the lens of marketing. 

While the other concepts were fine, they were stagnant in comparison—neon was the perfect opportunity to use simple animations to make a lasting impression and increase brand recognition. 

Obviously the neon motif fit in with tattoo culture, but the TOTTOOS sign had major advertising potential because it could be recolored and strobed in infinite permutations of color and rhythm if the brand ever needed a little refresh or seasonal flair. 

Once the new brand assets were ready, we began iterating ads and putting them to the test and refining in real time. This timing coincided with the end of year Holiday season, so we had an opportunity to test several seasonal variants. 
Tottoos - Rebrand & Advertising Refresh

Tottoos - Rebrand & Advertising Refresh
