Transition of being in a grid to exist in one without it
Top: A narrative based on one of the taboos and stereotypes about Periods in India and the story of Swati who decided to choose other than what was expected to follow.
Top: A short narrative based on a made up story about the friendship between a stray dog and buffalo.
Top: A short narrative to create awareness about the cyclone struck Sundarbans amidst the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic lockdown to raise funds and donate to the families and wildlife affected.
Top: A short narrative based on a made up story about the purpose of bird that is not flying.
Top: A narrative based on the films of Studio Ghibli and how they are about women but never directed by one. A take on Comic Journalism in the most un-Ghibliesque style.
Top: A short narrative based on what might go inside an awkward bison's head.


