ReThink 911 is a co-op campaign sponsored primarily by Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth. This campaign made its appearance in New York's Time Square, all across America as well as Canada and Europe. The greatest challenge for me was behind the scenes, working with a left-brained committee with little experience, diverse ideas, and a burning desire to design the ad themselves. After "steering" them for 3 whole months, and some terrible last minute changes, not on my watch, I got about 85% of what I wanted. As I always say, "you'r'e best work is rarely used."
Unfortunately, the ad below is their current ad and after the 3 months I spent  pounding in the principles of billboard advertising, this year they still designed a magazine ad that no one will or can spend the time to read... ah well:
ReThink 911

ReThink 911

International campaign for ReThink 911
