Mutations:Interactive Video Mapping
In 2018, I created a video mapping project titled "Mutations" which was realized in the IMCA221 course taught by Bill Vorn at Concordia University. This project was a unique exploration of interactive video mapping, where we used Max MSP, touch sensors, bend sensors, and infrared sensors to create an immersive experience on a kimono fashion garment.

The goal of "Mutations" was to push the boundaries of traditional video mapping by incorporating interactive elements that responded to the movements and touch of the wearer. This innovative approach allowed us to create a dynamic and engaging visual display that transformed the kimono into a canvas for artistic expression.
Throughout the project, I gained valuable experience in using Max MSP and various sensors to create interactive installations.

"Mutations" was a testament to my creativity and technical skills, showcasing my ability to merge technology and art to create memorable and immersive experiences.



