Valeria and Laura are sisters. Valeria, the oldest, has a reserved attitude. She is cold and perfectionist. Things have to be done the way she says. Laura, on the other hand, is more versatile, her mind is open to new ideas and experiences.
The relationship between them is about to explode. When they arrived in Buenos Aires, they discovered themselves in an economic difficulty that they did not expect. They live together in a rented house that is falling apart. Debts are accumulating and they cannot afford life with their mediocre jobs. Valeria is stuck with a cash job cleaning houses, while Laura begins to make a lot of money selling drugs in a square.
Valeria explodes into fury when she discovers her sister's business. They confront each other in a clean fistfight in public.
They share the same goal and must reconcile their relationship to come out together from the hole in which they are sunk.


-2020- Escrita por Mariana Cagnoli & Camila Di Giorno Dirección: Emi Cela
