Kajal Setpal's profile

Jhāna - Meditative Resort

Jhāna - Meditative Resort
Concept & Philosophy
“The continuing and spreading results of an event or action” - The Ripple Effect

Inspired by the ripples created in water, this resort is designed to give the guests an ongoing meditational experience as they move from the outdoors to the indoors and from one level to another.
The three concentric cylinders, form the spine of the healing space. 

Moving from the center of the atrium towards the interiors of each space, the concrete walls become darker, light travels less, preparing the guests to enter the serenity of the treatment rooms.
Inspired by the ripples of water, the design of the building features overlapping circular forms to create the different levels and different experiences. 
Site Plan
Solar Study
Level 1- Reception, lounge and atrium

The reception and lounge of the healing space is designed to give the person a complete immersive experience. The challenge was to design a space where people can take a break from their fast-paced life and be able to immerse themselves in the act of contemplation. 
Outdoor tea rooms built on the pond located at this level also makes up for the lack of natural views of this site. 

Sectional Elevation 
Level 2 - Meditation
The meditation common meditation hall is designed to keep out natural light. the entry to the meditation zone is through a winding maze like path which takes the customers from the brightly lit atrium towards the dim mediation hall. Once in the meditation hall guests can sit on the individual platforms provided  and meditate while focusing on the backlit concentric circle  feature, dropped down from the ceiling. 

The underlit platforms in these zones give an illusion of floating in water. Individual dome ceiling provide a sense of personal space and focus while being in a common hall.
Section of Meditation Hall
Narrow long window in the private meditation room provides a streak of light on the wall. Circular shapes in the façade create an interesting pattern on the wall which moves with the rays of the sun. This creates a fluid movement in the wall design, much like the movement of water.

Level 3 - Outdoor Meditation and Sensory Deprivation

The third level hosts the sensory deprivation tanks for individuals and couples, green, red and blue light rooms, along with a halo therapy room. This level also has an outdoor space, where guests can meditate in semi-private pods while enjoying the views from the higher floors.

Outdoor Meditation Pods
The outdoor meditation pods are designed to give guests privacy while they practice yoga, or other forms of meditation. Creating these pods on water assist with the calm process and gives the sensation on standing on water.

Creating an additional platform outside helps with giving the customers an elevated view of the surroundings and the landscape of the property
Night View 
The vertical studs are angled along the curve for more privacy. This also creates a unique pattern in the water which moves according to the rays of the sun.
Level 4 - Spa
The fourth level is a 1370sqm spa that holds a reception with waiting area, individual and couple treatment rooms, indoor/outdoor relaxation zones, changing rooms and an outdoor sento[1] surrounded with greenery.

[1] A public bath; different from onsen in the sense that sento are composed of heated tap water instead of with special minerals.  Often used by locals as well, and more common in major cities than onsen.
Key feature of this level is the outdoor relaxation nets that hang from the edge of the building giving the guests the chance to contemplate while hanging 12m above ground.
Treatment rooms
Outdoor Sento
Jhāna - Meditative Resort