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Web page redesign - Coles Local

Web page redesign - Coles Local

Part of a brand refresh for included updating their website and moving it across to be located within the current website. 

Using existing AEM modules and CSS for a quick and cohesive content transfer. 
Take current Coles Local site content, re-work to make it inclusive of all stores, 
not just the single Surry Hills store.

New page design and layout 
Previous webpage design and layout 

Key findings 

Main focus for this redesign was to figure out who Coles Local is to it's customers.
Showcasing the brands values was the starting point, with what makes a Coles Local store unique a close second. The designs needed to harmonise with the inspirational content and reflect the innovative brand. 
The design process
Sketch  I  Low fidelity  I  High fidelity 

Taking Xd design to AEM 

Transferring the high fidelity designs into AEM the designs were easier for the client to visualise the finished product, HTML/CSS characteristics of the existing site did change the designs slightly, for the quick turnaround. 
Xd design (left)  / AEM live site (right) 

The Coles Local web page is reflective of the current branding, and aligns to the brand values clearly. Users can discover how Coles Local is a unique style supermarket before setting foot inside one. The new site is straightforward and easy for users to navigate.
Final page layout across multiple devices 
Web page redesign - Coles Local

Web page redesign - Coles Local
