I Dreamed that the River was Silver.
Photographs taken during a month's residence in Uruguay
La intención de viajar a Uruguay era poder visitar a mi hermana que vivió en Montevideo casi dos años. Mi estadía la viví con algo de asombro porque era la gran ciudad con el menor número de habitantes que jamás había visto y acostumbrada a cierto sufrimiento de las dolorosas multitudes de São Paulo, no me pareció encontrar eso en Montevideo. Las ruinas de la ciudad eran fundamentales para su arquitectura, como si bendijera los nuevos edificios, como si las mansiones de 1800 todavía tuvieran el mismo uso y significado social que en sus inauguraciones. La música clásica y la música moderna parecían ser lo mismo. Las casas coloniales fueron ocupadas por jóvenes estudiantes que aun sin mucho dinero asumieron silenciosamente el cargo de maestros, no que la jerarquía social continuara, pero los edificios históricos no fueron demolidos, al contrario, la vida fue dinámica en seguir viviendo. Las viejas mansiones no estaban encantadas, sino dotadas de la magia de un pasado ardiente. La ciudad parecía un sueño, no porque fuera maravillosa, sino porque era pasiva y llena de elementos perturbadores, donde un río hecho de agua, por ejemplo, parecía hecho de Plata.

Mientras estaba en la capital leí Ciudades Invisibles de Italo Calvino, el Río del Plata asumió naturalmente el lugar de lo desconocido, se convirtió en una quimera, no porque fuera peligroso, sino porque era deslumbrante. Un río que parecía un océano, una manta, un río que parecía plateado. Era un río que engañaba a quienes dudaban de su poder bélico, un río que se conocía por ser el motivo de la mayor guerra de América Latina, la Guerra del Paraguay, era un río que no olvidó, así como la gelatina de plata de las películas, el río sabía que podía capturar el pasado.


The intention of traveling to Uruguay was to be able to visit my sister who had been living in Montevideo for almost two years. My stay was lived with a certain amount of wonder because it was the big city with the fewest inhabitants that I had ever seen and used to a certain suffering of the painful crowds of São Paulo, it didn't seem to find that in Montevideo. The ruins of the city were fundamental to its architecture, as if it blessed the new buildings, as if the mansions of 1800 still had the same use and social meaning as the beginning of their inaugurations. Classical music and modern music seemed to be the same. The colonial houses were occupied by young students who, even without a lot of money, quietly assumed the position of masters, not that the social hierarchy continued, but the historical buildings were not overthrown, on the contrary, life was dynamic in continuing to inhabit the old mansions, they were not haunted but endowed with magic from a burning past. The city looked like a dream, not because it was wonderful, but because it was passive and full of disturbing elements, where a river made of water, for example, seemed made of Silver.

While I was in the capital I read Invisible Cities of Italo Calvino, the Rio Del Plata naturally assumed the place of the unknown, it became a chimera, not because it was dangerous but because it was stunning. A river that looked like an ocean, a blanket, a river that looked like silver. It was a river that deceived anyone who doubted its war power, a river that was known to have been the reason for the biggest war in Latin America, the Paraguayan War, it was a river that did not forget, as well as the silver gelatin of the films, the river knew he could capture the past.
abierta y púrpura, 2018
cerrado, 2018.
el sueño de un niño, las venas de un corazón, 2018. 
stained glass contained silver too, 2018
edificio viejo, 2018
                                                                                                                     Aurora, 2018.
secret passage, 2018 
the devil, 2018.
a beautiful machine appears, 2018.
she keeps secrets, 2018.
she carries flowers, 2018.

Antique store, 2018
she didn't believe that an image could be that powerful, 2018.
the man who sells candy lights a cigarette, 2018.
he doubted that fire could be so dangerous, 2018
burning cafe, 2018 
fire is a magic weapon, 2018
daily fire, 2018
theater after fire, 2018
the windows peep the street, 2018.
citizens remember the fire, 2018
the river knows of its war power, 2018
silver effect, 2018
the unknown man looked straight into the camera and and the dream is covered with silver again, 2018
Cabo Polonio is a Uruguayan village, 2018.
and the continuation of the shut-eye, 2018.
I thought it was closer, 2018.
it looked sweet but it was sharp brushes, 2018
no dream is easy, there is always indigestible material in the scene, 2018
because one house eats the other, and the house is not digestible, 2018
wine bottles, 2018
the dawn devours, 2018
the bull eyes devours, 2018
the scene can be dangerous, 2018
it's fascinating and can never end, 2018.
but of course there would be a desert, 2018
there are cows and carcasses
I know it looks bigger but it's only seven kilometers in radius, 2018
two-headed cow, you found the radioactive element, congratulations, 2018.
but you can swallow it?, 2018
have you seen stars in the morning?, 2018
it's good when you find a familiar place, isn't it?, 2018

but have you ever been in strange places? yeah, it's wonderful and all at once your eyes are open. 2018
El fin, o final, acabou, das Ende. 
Fotografías tomadas con una cámara Zenit 12xp, películas Ektar 100 y Ultramax 400, sumergidas en sopa química.

Photographs taken with a Zenit 12xp camera, Ektar 100 and Ultramax 400 films, submerged in chemical soup.
Rio de la Plata

Rio de la Plata
