Today's lifestyle is slowly killing our spines. We sit most of the time, we look with our heads down and we don't get enough exercise. With these conditions we often have back and neck pain, stiffed neck and headaches.

Common human head weights around 5kg, but in lowered angle it can create a great pressure, almost 30kg.
Without exercise our deep stabilising muscles weaken and their job is taken by big muscles like trapezius. Overusing of trapezius lead to poor posture and pain. 
Another factor of the problem is sitting. Since 1950 number of sedentary jobs has increased by 85%. While sitting we tend to relax our posture and get the spine into incorrect positions. Here are examples what our spine looks like while in incorrect posture. 
A huge help for relieving neck pain, stiffed neck or overused trapezius is warmth. With this knowledge I designed personal heating device for acute need. Armadillo is nature-friendly helper filled with barley groats and sewn from recycled cotton. 
Main inspiration came from an amazing animal called armadillo. Its ability to roll into a ball was transformed into back heating armour that reduces its size by rolling up, so it fits into a microwave oven.



DesignHelp Back and neck pain reliever, 2020
