n. something existing solely in the imagination (but often mistaken for reality)
(Inspired by a track by Bassnectar and The Glitch Mob of the same name)
The concept:
As always, the project started with an idea sketch that just flew out of me when I saw the wall for the first time and I heard the plans that were made for the space in general. (Unfortunately, I have no images of the initial sketch)
It is very common with me to think of concepts that fit the purpose in the way that I would work with them- in the case of a recreation space, my idea revolved around just that; a break from it all. Reality included. 
As time went by, and I trodded on with the painting, something changed. I stumbled across the song (which I hadn’t heard in a long time). That was when I knew it didn’t fit. I stopped working on it for a while and took a step back. A day later, with this song on loop throughout my journey there, I walked in determined to pickup where I left off, however nature had other plans. I had never been more grateful for rain putting a damper on my project as I was at that point of time. I still cannot explain what came over me as soon as I picked up the brush again, but I’m determined to think that nature found a way to get through to me. I started over. I didn’t care about the nearing deadline, I just let my hand flow, and let the colours of the paint merge as they wanted to...
The result?
A Paracosmic Portal.
The base:
The only image I have from before the idea evolved.
(Unfortunately, I did not take pictures of the space before I started the work or before the initial white wash)
In Progress:
The Completion:
(At last!- after 2 rather challenging weeks!)
The Details:
This mural was painted in the recreational area of an industrial building in Bangalore back in 2017. It was my most challenging project at the time and it also (unknown to me at the time) set the stage for massive changes in my practice.
(Except for the detail shots, all pictures were taken by me.)
A Paracosmic Portal

A Paracosmic Portal
