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Is It Possible To Stop Asthma Attack Without An Inhaler

Is It Possible To Stop Asthma Attack Without An Inhaler?
As per the World Health Organization, asthma can be defined as a chronic condition "characterized by recurrent attacks of breathlessness and wheezing, which vary in severity and frequency from person to person.

Symptoms may occur several times in a day or week in affected individuals, and for some people become worse during physical activity or at night."

During an asthma attack, the lining of the individual's bronchial tubes swell. This causes the airways of the individual to narrow and reduces the flow of the air that travels in and out of the lungs.

An asthma attack can range from mild to severe depending on the severity of the condition. The most reliable way to deal with an asthma attack is to use a rescuer inhaler (an inhaler with medication meant to open up the airways). An asthmatic must always carry an inhaler and use the medication as recommended by their doctor. In addition to that, few steps mentioned below can be considered for added advantage.

1. Adjust The Position

Different positions and postures can influence the opening and narrowing of the airways. It is important that the individual either sits up straight or stands up straight as this will open up the airways and help alleviate some of the asthma symptoms. Do note that under no circumstances should the individual lie down as this could worsen their symptoms.

2. Take A Deep Breath

Familiarizing oneself with different breathing exercises like pursed-lip breathing is a good way to ensure that the condition can help open up the airways. It can also prevent the individual from hyperventilating.

3. Identify The Trigger

Asthma is a condition in which the airways of the individual narrow in reaction to outside triggers. An asthma attack occurs when the individual is in the vicinity of an asthma trigger. In this case, one of the first things that the individual should do is find the trigger and remove themselves from the vicinity of the trigger. The lack of direct contact will keep asthma from getting more aggravated than it already is.

4. Making an Effort to be Calm

Many studies have shown a circular correlation between the anxiety of the individual and the worsening of his or her symptoms. When one's anxiety rises, their symptoms worsen and vice versa. To avoid this, the individual needs to try their level best to stay calm when dealing with their asthma attack.

5. Look Up The Nearest Hospital/Emergency Room

When experiencing an asthma attack, the individual needs to try and find the nearest emergency room. This will help the individual get the proper care and treatment needed for the asthma attack to subside. To help asthmatics in India, we have created a Breathefree helpline - 9873 33 55 77. You can use this helpline to locate a nearby doctor or book an appointment.

In conclusion, an individual must always have an inhaler because it is the first line treatment for controlling the symptoms of asthma. The above mentioned steps can be followed as an action plan for an emergency situation.

Inhalers are an important part of one's asthma treatment. To know more about using an inhaler properly, please read Top 10 Mistakes To Avoid While Using Inhalers.
Is It Possible To Stop Asthma Attack Without An Inhaler

Is It Possible To Stop Asthma Attack Without An Inhaler


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