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MacAnatomy & Surgical Skills Branding

The following is the official branding campaign used for the McMaster Education Program in Anatomy, (otherwise referred to as "MacAnatomy") as well as the Surgical Skills Centre, located in the McMasters Childrens Hospital. The MacAnatomy lab is accessible to over a thousand Medical and Undergraduate anatomy students from Health Sceinces, Nursing, Engineering, Midwifery and Kinesiology. The Surgical Skills Centre is used by surgical residents who practice various procedures on cadavers. The logo's for both aspects of the Education Program in Anatomy take on a more "organic" feel, as if though they have been cut into woodblock, using the very tools that are found throughout the lab. Both branding campaigns work in unison and carry across continuity through both concept and design. They have been in use during all print (brochure, pamhplet, letterhead etc..) since Fall 2013, and the MacAnatomy logo will soon be trasnferred as a crest in the centre of the labs linoleum floor.
MacAnatomy & Surgical Skills Branding

MacAnatomy & Surgical Skills Branding

The following is the official branding campaign for the Education Program in Anatomy as well as the Surgical Skills Centre.
