A snapshot of one of the artists during her artistic staging. The photographic technique I used was panning.
Defiant Act at SCA


The University of Sydney offered me the opportunity to join a specific course based on the management, realization, and installation-related to art exhibitions with the chance to do a real one at the end of the class. It was a course in which I learned a lot. It allowed me to relate to all the dynamics that revolve around the setting up: the interior design and the organization of an art exhibition outside the university course. I faced the project work together with a team of international colleagues with whom I collaborated. We took care of both the interior design work already known during the academic studies at the Politecnico, but also the whole curatorial process aspects, like: contact all artists and discussing works for exhibition, the selection of the artworks and the methods of display, the transport of the pieces of art to the exhibition site, the artist privacy forms, the organization of the timing, the spreadsheet of schedule,  the run sheet, the materials, write all text for the exhibition. We also designed the key objects for the show as interpretive strategy, exhibition environment, the flows, the paths, the signage, the captions, the infographics of the exhibition, the lighting system, and the design of an education space with simple and straightforward task/call to action for multiple audiences to participate in. We have provided the power sources in the case of video-digital artworks, securing the cables and any uncovered sockets. 
Presentation of the Art Gallery
Plan of the Gallery
#Tackling the Problems

The concept that conceptually linked the entire art exhibition was based on the defiant acts. This term is intended to encourage the public to act by calling for fanaticism, gender inequality, ageism, political prejudices based on education or ethnicity, wherever they are seen. The exhibition was a positive input for visitors to give them confidence in tackling the problems. While this exhibition portrays many confronting and challenging issues, it aims to be a positive source in rectifying them. The project team wanted to get into one person’s head to insert an ear-worm of change, hoping this has caught on, and that’s a win over inaction and apathy in our books. 
Exhibition Manifest
#Communication Design

I found very intriguing and pleasant also the comunication design of the event that we performed by creating the suitable logo, the posters, the manifestos, the posts on various social networks (including Facebook and Instagram), personalized invitations to the artists, and many other promotional methods. This included organizing an event for the inauguration of the art gallery exhibition, with a drink by donation and all the funds collected we donated to an Australian based charity. 
Exhibition Logo
#Social Media
Poster of the Contemporary Art Exhibition
#Personal Invitation
#Action Space Labels
Initial explanation sign before entering the interactive space of the art exhibition.
#Photographs of the Art Exhibition
Committee: Curatorial Lab of the University of Sydney
Place: SCA Gallery of Sydney, 2019 
Professor: Amelia Kelly
Project Team: F. Black, M. Grasso, E.Gunning, M. De Danieli

Defiant Acts