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Important points when setting up a security project

The 9 most important points when setting up a security project
The data on violence in our country is alarming, especially during the  most common assault times . To combat this feeling of helplessness and vulnerability, it is important to set up an  appropriate security project  .

With the elaboration of a structure that combines efficiency and specific equipment, it is possible to protect, in an optimized way, both homes and companies of different sizes. In this article, we will learn the most important points for planning such a system.

1. Diagnosis

There is no single formula for establishing a security system, since the criteria and equipment purchased will depend on the needs and preferences of each company, whether we are talking about a commercial project or residence.

However, it is possible to make a diagnosis and measure the need to set up an efficient safety project. In this sense, the elaboration must take into account the question of the size of the area that will be contemplated, the location and the profile of the public that circulates there.

In this way, it will be possible to establish even the pace of construction of the security system. After all, homes and businesses that are located in areas with a higher occurrence of robberies will require more agile elaboration of a project of this type.

An effective diagnosis is the beginning of all planning and requires a thorough study of the environment that needs surveillance. It is essential to observe not only the physical structure, but also the characteristics of its surroundings.

2. Risk assessment

A complete system must provide all the security necessary for the property as a whole and not just protect the entrance. For this, it is important to analyze the entire plant of the place that will receive the equipment to identify the main points where devices such as cameras, alarms and access controls must be installed.

In order not to run the risk of acquiring or even installing equipment unsuitable for the required level of security, it is essential to map the entire installation to look for physical vulnerabilities, blind spots and general risks of invasion.

After carrying out this analysis, it is necessary to thoroughly analyze where the physical barriers, electronic equipment, alarms, cameras and entry and exit control systems will be placed, whether for people or vehicles.

3. Definition of treatment for risks

Proper risk management involves choosing one or more practical security measures to combat, control or avoid the threats identified in the previous step. Defining how to deal with these risks will influence the entire development of the two types of planning that will follow: tactical and operational.

4. Tactical planning

The tactical planning of a property security project serves to establish adequate objectives and goals for the execution of that system and to guarantee the general organization of activities. It involves issues such as the structure used, property mapping, installation methods and technologies used, for example.

In addition, issues such as the distribution of professionals (in case of more robust projects) and equipment necessary for the installation of the project components are also taken into account.

Regarding the choice of appropriate professionals, tactical planning requires functions related to the area of ​​human resources, such as recruitment, selection, interview and training. This way, it will be possible to allocate workers according to the characteristics and scope of the project, in addition to avoiding  errors  already in the development phase.

5. Operational planning

According to the size and needs of organizations, condominiums and any type of environment in which protection is necessary, it is essential to seek consultants and service providers specialized in the field. In this way, it will be possible to develop a complete and personalized project according to the characteristics of the contractor.

This type of planning differs from the tactical organization in that it involves more practical project issues. While the previous topic is more linked to intellectual preparation, operational issues are related to the effective execution of everything that has been outlined so far.

In this sense, the execution of the system must use the services of suppliers with technical conditions to carry out the installation of electronic equipment and allocate them in the best way. For this, it is important to check the credentials of professionals, requiring certifications that prove the capacity for a high level project.

It is also essential to check whether these service providers will provide preventive and corrective maintenance. The first will guarantee the useful life of the installed equipment and the second will provide agility when there is a deficiency in the security system.

Having qualified professionals in the operation will guarantee the perfect integration between software and hardware on your property, in addition to scalability - that is, with the growth of general security needs, it will be possible to expand the functionality of the initial solutions according to technological changes  .

The contractor may request, from those responsible for the execution of the project, visits to other clients to visit installations of complete systems, especially in environments similar to the one to be protected.

6. Monitoring and analysis

Fortunately, there is a wide range of equipment intended for security. Among the surveillance systems, the Closed Circuit Television ( CCTV ) is one of the most outstanding, since it provides the  monitoring  and control of wider areas.

With CCTV Installation in Noida, it is much easier to carry out real-time surveillance of your property, especially when combined with state-of-the-art cameras. With technological developments, it is possible to carry out this monitoring through various mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets and netbooks.

All that is needed is an internet connection, since the  images  are transmitted in real time through applications with an intuitive interface and easy installation. Thus, it is possible to monitor the property remotely, from anywhere in the world and at any time

7. Other important equipment

In addition to the aforementioned  CCTV , we can cite cameras as an essential component of a solid security project. There are from simpler options, such as analog equipment, to more sophisticated devices, such as infrared cameras, which emit heat waves capable of identifying the movement of bodies.

In addition, there is the management system for these cameras. Good options include the DVR Stand Alone, the NVR (exclusive for digital equipment) and the HVR, a  hybrid  of analog options with IP type machines, which provides high definition images and data transmission over the network.

The  access controls  are another option to increase protection. They involve direct human actions, such as the use of porters and security guards, and more modern options, such as own access cards with passwords.

8. Adoption of good practices

Often, the environment that must be protected becomes even more exposed with harmful practices that become part of the routine. A good example that serves both companies and  homes is the delivery procedure for a particular product.

Often, the delivery person has easy access to the inside of the property. However, malicious individuals can use this expedient to forge deliveries and carry out robberies and lightning hijackings. In this way, a practice that has become commonplace becomes a vulnerability that can seriously compromise assets.

In this sense, it is essential to rethink some actions that have become routine to correct this behavior and complement the safety project with simple attitudes.

9. Accident safety

In addition to all the equipment intended for the protection of workers involved in the practical part of the project, there is also the risk posed by proprietary technology equipment, which requires proper handling so that everything goes as planned.

As an example, we can mention the digital recorders known as DVRs, which have their own wiring and cabling system. The installation can be complete, especially for technicians who are still starting in this market. It is necessary to be attentive, as they present risks for environments where small children and pets circulate.

In order not to take any risks, a good idea is to use racks specially dedicated to security projects like CCTVs. In addition to providing all the necessary security for the system, they make the installation more agile, keeping the wires and cables well organized.

Another very interesting piece of equipment to consider is the  4-pair cable . This is because, in addition to the high performance in data transmission, the cables have solid conductors, PVC coating material and flame protection, providing all the necessary safety so that the technician does not face problems such as out of control short circuits.

As it was possible to notice in this article, there are several points to set up a structure that provides a high level of security for your property. Fortunately, it is possible to combine planning with cutting edge digital solutions. Being able to fulfill each of these steps will guarantee a safety project to provide all the necessary protection to the environment.
Important points when setting up a security project

Important points when setting up a security project


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