Colus Havenga's profile

Ivory prototype

Toy Design
This is a resin figure I modeled in Maya, printed using the Form1 3D printer at 0.005 inch layer height. 
I had to practically learn every step since this is the first time doing anything like this with my hands. A ton of hours going back and forth but eventually got it. I learned a lot. 
This is the finished print out of the Form1. It looks rough but after the alcohol bath things look way better.
Done sanding. I wet sanded from 220 grit up to 1200 grit. By this time the resin feel and looks like frosted glass. Super sexy smooth. 
Masked up the tusks and eyes and ready for priming. 
Primed using Tamiya fine primer. 
And the finished piece! Im very happy with the result. I kept the colours simple so that I dont over complicate the leanring process. Maybe on the next figure I would attempt at painting details. 
The beauty shots photographed by Kimberly Lostroscio. 
Ivory prototype