hwsng diep's profile

A Midas-Story-Based-on Story

A Midas-Story-Based-on Story
"He's a heartbreaker... His name... Charles."

Last night was his last shot on the girl he'd been together with for 3 years. That was almost midnight that he came home, with the gift bag in one hand, and some beers in one another. It'd come to an end, and he couldn't do a thing. He threw everything on the table, sat down, and started opening the first can of beer. None of his friends was available to share the drink, since he has none. Charles couldn't know why people find drinks when they're depressed, like how can this bitterness can cheer anyone up. He stared at those Craft Lager - the "God Water" - then proceeded to blame on God, for not helping him but just there to hear him. Then he started to think about the just-broke relationship which he knew he wouldn’t be able to save, but he tried. Since nothing could be done, he started to draw some imagination about the ideal word: Gold. Gold can buy physicals, gold can buy mentals, gold can buy love. He then kept muttering one song and passed out in tears.

"Wait a second, we just started talking
And talking turned into fighting
And fighting turned into leaving
And leaving turned into nothing, the dark
Someone's always left in the dark, mmm"

The next morning, he woke up.
The rest of the story is told by works below. Enjoy, And try to guess how it goes.
I wrote a story using only objects and background colors. Every object(s) in one frame should be telling the story (or a little cameo/cross-over), and those colors tell the mood. Every artworks about should tell a piece of the story, and together they form a flow.

To further explain, the overlayed highlight in each work shows where the hand touched. It can be dim, can be bright, up to the character's desire. In the first half, the light is his excitement, but the opposite it is in last half. 

The story should be breaking into 4 parts, representing the character's act:
Watercourse to bright yellow: His mood is from being depressed to excitedly happy by finding out he can turn everything into gold;
Citron: He feels awkward and surprised of unexpected things;
Brown to dark purple: more events happened that freaked him out: he broke his teeth, then tried to drink some water, then tried to contact with anyone else but his phone turned gold, he also failed to cloth-in then just ran barefoot outside, begging for help;
Charcoal to white: either he wakes up from that nightmare or he is dispelled.
Thank you.
A Midas-Story-Based-on Story

A Midas-Story-Based-on Story
