Stephanie Dodgens profil

BUKI - design firm branding

Buki (boo-key) Collective is a multi-disciplinary design studio that aims to provide clients with comprehensive and visionary design solutions. Our work is unparalleled because of our commitment to precision and sustainable innovation.
We take a fresh and soulful approach when partnering with our clients in order to produce innovative work. Our brand identity reflects these core values by using bright colors and organic shapes throughout the design system. The organic blob patterns have been integrated in a way that shows how the Buki team operates, with mobility and a sense of fluid thought. After all, Buki is a team of forward thinking creatives.
team members:

Tiffany Berry - Designer; Managing Director +

Paul Blume - Designer; Presentation Director +

Caroline Weyer - Designer; Senior Copywriter +

Erin Dreyer - Designer; Research Manager +

Stephanie Dodgen - Designer; Creative Director

BUKI - design firm branding

BUKI - design firm branding

Buki (boo-key) Collective is a design firm conceptualized by a team of graphic design students.
