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ITP - New Locations / Carbon Foot Print / Estimates

Images That Persuade - New Locations / Carbon Foot Print / Estimates
After doing a bit more in-depth research and having my idea change, i think it would be best if my locations were to change also. The four locations i am using are all national trust and all fit well with what my idea is. However, due to Covid i don't think i will actually be able to shoot at these locations, i think it would simply be to risky to travel and the locations i wanted to go to was closed.
Petts Wood and Hawkwood

This location was one of my original locations so I've already spoken about this one particular reason being is that it is still relatively close to where I live and I think would be a great spot to photograph and one that i can frequently go back to.

The medieval style house is not as old as it appears but before the Messel family bought Nymans it was a plain Regency style house, built around 1839 by George Harrington. The garden was also developed, starting in the late 19th century, by three generations of the Messel family, and was brought to renown by Leonard Messel. Then continued to grow to be a sight to behold. The reason I have chosen this location also is because of it garden, it has said to have been one of the most beautiful gardens throughout the UK. I think it would be great to show the garden people create and how they can bring nature closer to home as well as them enjoying the garden,
Wicken Fen Nature Reserve

The Wicken Fen Nature Reserve is the National Trust's oldest nature reserve being in their care since 1899 being purchased for only £10. As well as being England's most famous fen (a type of wetland). The reserve has more than 9,300 recorded as living in this unique and special landscape. From Konik ponies of the fields to the great crested grebes of the lakes. This nature reserve will be a great place to show how the national trust is bringing people closer to nature it both a beneficial and education way. With this location being so important i would love to photograph the workers there, i think it could be a great insight to how they see it, what it means to them and what they done to create this paradise. 
Hatfield Forest

Having acquired the Forest in 1729, the Houblon family set about improving the central area, to create a detached pleasure ground, a short ride away from their residence, Hallingbury Place. During World War II, Elgins Coppice (Hatfield Forest) was used as a storage area for ammunitions for use at nearby airfields, including Stansted. The foundations of several huts can still be seen from the road, poking out through the fallen leaves. This could be an interesting aspect to show case the history of this location if i could find anything that shows this. I do however think this will be a great place to photograph as it was once a royal hunting ground during the medieval period, I think it would be great to show how people now interact with the wildlife and show how other can too.
Carbon Foot Print
This was something we had to create but I'm glad i did, i think its great that you can actually calculate the amount of Co2 your car will produce. This is my route plan (i don't have a car so this is only an estimate) the journey itself would be about 300 miles and roughly 5 hours long, in total i would have produced 0.08 tons on Co2 from this trip, to which it shows your emissions against the countries and worldwide average but what i really love is that it shows how you can counter this, by creating the Co2, you can donate to a charity to counter and in essence repair the damaged caused and i think that's incredible and something that i will be doing for every major trip i do.  
This is my budget and estimate, i think I've done this pretty well and accurate, its relevant to my journey and my brief and i think the pricing is fair, this is something that i was a little confused about but i do believe i have done this correctly. Above are the prices of the accommodation and the car rental ill need, as i don't drive, i wont need accommodation at petts wood and Hawks wood as it is close to my home.
ITP - New Locations / Carbon Foot Print / Estimates
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ITP - New Locations / Carbon Foot Print / Estimates

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