The Squad Collection​​​​​​​
This collection was created over the course of my years in high school. Created to be used as wallpapers, I made these artworks which depicted my friendship group gathered in one setting and included a plethora of pop culture and video game references, easter eggs and inside jokes. These many, small references throughout the wallpapers personalised the art for my friendship group, and also served as a "Where's Wally" type situation where my friends would analyse the artwork, looking for all the hidden details.
Created using the famous renaissance painting, "The School of Athens" by Raphael as a template.
Based on the poster for "Avengers" Infinity War".
Each person has one trait or item that is associated with them in real life eg, favourite video game weapon
Inspired by a LAN party I hosted with my friends in my garage
The Squad

The Squad


Sectores creativos