Profiel van Georgia May

ITM- Luma Mattes Research & Practice

Mattes are used in photography and special effects filmmaking to combine two or more image elements into a single, final image. Usually, mattes are used to combine a foreground image (e.g. actors on a set or a spaceship) with a background image (e.g. a scenic vista or a starfield with planets). In this case, the matte is the background painting. In film and stage, mattes can be physically huge sections of painted canvas, portraying large scenic expanses of landscapes. Mattes are a very old technique, going back to the Lumbiere Brothers. Originally, the matte shot was created by filmmakers obscuring the background section on the film with cut-out cards.
Examples Of Luma Matte
Step by Step On How To Do The Technique 
First Practice Attempt 
I found this technique the hardest out of all the ones so far as it's a lot more harder then other techniques I have used for my other poster. However once I had understood the technique and how to do it I think it really works well and I could make a good poster using this technique.
Practice With My Own Images
What Went Well:
-I think that it a technique that works really well and is very creative which works for many different kinda of work such as advertising, promotional and poster for many different kind of product.
-I think that while the technique is very effective for different products and other media I think it will be good to use for sunglasses as you can either have a still life or model/portrait or even just have the luma matte in the sunglasses lenses which allows a lot of options for when I create my final luma matte.
What's Didn't Go Well: 
-I think that this technique could be hard as its two element together which mean I have photograph two different elements to have a successful Luma matte
What I'd Change For Next Time:
-For next time I want to make sure I have very clear and concise image of both element so that I can easily edit a effective double exposure luma matte 

ITM- Luma Mattes Research & Practice


ITM- Luma Mattes Research & Practice


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