Original art by Alex Bogh
Art Direction and Painting by Adam Bogh

To mark the birth of my first kid(s) my brother, Alex Bogh, designed a wonderful mural to display on the walls of what would become the nursery. I did the initial sketch onto the wall in pencil and we flew Alex to Des Moines to help put paint to wall. What was supposed to be a leisurely week of painting, laughing, and a beer or two was flipped upside down thanks to a particularly gnarly flu that destroyed everything and everyone in its path. After a full week battling the virus, we had exactly two days to put up the piece. We painted late into the night, sacrificed feeling in our fingers, and lost a touch of our humanity, but we made it. 
Now, my twins say goodnight to the bear, owl, turtle, moon, and blueberries every night before they go to bed.
Below is a bit of the painting process.
Forest Mural

Forest Mural
