Team: Angelo Sanchez : Programming / Level Design, Dante Plummer :  Music and Sound Design, Will  Wright : Programming / Game Design, Derell  Moten :  Art Design
Edward L : Narrative
About The Game:
This is my 2020 Global Game Jam project, where the theme for that year was repair. You play as a doctor that have discovered the cure to the zombie outbreak, with your syringe rifle you must shoot the horde of zombie to cure then from their zombification.

Shoot, Run, & Avoid death by zombie by shooting your way through 200 zombie coming for you. ARE YOU UP FOR THE CHALLENGE ​​​​​​​
This project was way over scooped for the amount of time we were giving to do this. Finding out how to do the darkness outside the building and as well as the flash light in that darkness, took us longer than it should have. The Bench Table also took us a while but we manage to get it done.
But some of cool things we did was the having the enemy become friends and then they would follow you, and by doing so giving the player more vision. But at the cost of you getting seen easier.
Design Goals:
My goals for this game was to create a map that would be easy to remember but also hard to get around. The way I attacked this problem is by place all the key location in the corner of the map and the center. That way the player would know where everything is, after traveling too those location the first time around.





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