Natural Markets food court was an interetsing undertaking - we were charged with creating all the digital menus and kiosks within a space that had some 8 different restaurants. The challenge was that each venue had its own quirks and menu structure, so we had to create what was essentially a framework to support all the different permutations of menu combinations. We did many revisions, as you'll see below.

This was my first stab, which was meant to be more graphical and image based.
After the first attempt we were informed to not use phtography as it portrays the food unfavourably. So we tried something more typographic.
After those initial concepts, unfortunately the client wanted more of a premium feel to the menus. After regrouping and pondering for some time, this is what I came up with.
We didnt want to show actual prepared food, so we opted to use more of the actual ingredients that go into the food, and haven them take on a somewhat hero branishing. We also wanted to  show the food was local, so we popped in a couple local butchers and such into the imagery to validate the local claims.
I was hoping we could have hand drawn specials done by the underground Toronto Chalk Board Artists group, but sadly that fell through.
In the end we were asked to remove the imagery once more, so we created something that contained the essence of the above menus, but was more typographically set  for legibility and dynamic in the amount of items we could handle.
Variations on the existing menus for different times of the day.
Natural Markets Menu's
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Natural Markets Menu's

Digital Menu design process for Natural Markets food court in Toronto's Eaton Centre.

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