Diego Bolivar profili

Science, Arts and Crafts Center

Type : Equipment
Name: Science, Arts and Crafts Center
Year: 2018
Location: Bogotá, CO

The project is based on a academic research about the public responsability of architecture. When designing a building of this characteristics, architectural program allows designers to experiment and propose new levels of publicty, privacy and collectiveness between the spaces inside the building, and the building with its inmediate context.

 The main idea is to create a continuous public promenade, that starts in the lower floor plan,  scalates all levels in the form of the exhibitions rooms, and ends in a completly public roof terrace. The spaces given for library, auditorium, classrooms, workshops and offices are more private, nevertheless, still have a visual or spatial relation with the public spaces. Also, there are a series of patios, that are completly open to the visitors, and complement the principal promenade. 
Science, Arts and Crafts Center
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Science, Arts and Crafts Center

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