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Hostal Barrio Vivo

Hostal Barrio Vivo is located in the heart of Mérida, within “La Ermita de Santa Isabel”, in the neighborhood of “San Sebastián”, where the residents/local people are descendants of the people who lived in the area during the time of the city’s foundation.

An artistic work piece, that plays an important part in the interior design, portrays a story through the streets, homes and businesses in San Sebastián, bringing back anecdotes and memories of the city from times gone by, to amaze the visitors with the richness of local traditions and the everyday life.

Barrio Vivo is definitely a living brand; the diversity is pictured in the many versions of the logo, and a series of pictograms paired with a custom typography, all inspired on historic markers that work as signage on the corners of the streets downtown in Mérida.

The brand is free, strong and jolly, not in a strident manner like a mexican fiesta, but as a family and friends reunion.

Photography by Grayscale MX
Interior Design by SEIRA
Linoleum Art by Marisol Castro

Hostal Barrio Vivo
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Hostal Barrio Vivo

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