Profil appartenant à Stan Loiseaux

42 Stories - 2D Game Assets

The game is not yet released,
but you can check updates about it here:
Poster design for a convention we went to with an early version of the game.
Base block that stands on the ground, with a construction block on top of it for when a building hasn't completed building yet.
The base looks like a temple with features from different periods in it, because you can't upgrade it.
Ancient era blocks.
It's based on viking and barbarian tribal buildings.
Below is the defensive block with "houses". In the middle is the economic block with a treasury. On top the offensive block with spikes and lots of skulls.
Medieval era blocks.
Based on standard European medieval castles, blacksmiths and a Belgian marketplace in the middle.
Industrial era blocks.
Based on Victorian era buildings.
Blocks for the present.
Based on American buildings like New York hotels, Vegas casinos and some general factories.
Futuristic era blocks.
This is a mixture of Japanese stuff and some influence from 'the Jetsons', typical flying saucers and 3D polygons.
42 Stories - 2D Game Assets
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42 Stories - 2D Game Assets

Art I made for the game "42 Stories" at Priapus Studio. It's a tower battling game where you build to the skies and beyond, before your opponent Lire la suite

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