Kakilang Kakijual

K A K I J U A L 

“Support local lah!”
As the fashion trend soars in our homeland, local labels have been filling their own unique identities and creativities to bring substantial quality to their products and services for the people. As homegrown labels ourselves, we are excited and proud to have such trendsetting energies in the local scene!

With that being said, Respect Garment is collaborating with @HypeGuardianMY and @SnkrsBruh in a campaign called “Kaki Lang, Kaki Jual!”, which is initiated to encourage everyone upon supporting local businesses!

Graphic Design
The top left design were that logo of this campaign where it carries meaning of the origin is from Penang, Malaysia. As the THREE stroke line boxes presents the up growing company which we have collaborating which is Respect Garment, Snkrbruh & HypeGuardian. while the bottom is our theme campaign - KAKILANG KAKIJUAL ( locally made, locally sold ).

The top left design were inspire from the classic 80's newspaper layout. As it was structured out in a way which everyone company have its own showcase. Beside, it do included the campaign duration as well to encourage consumer to join and support local. 

Having a GIVEAWAY contest do help to boost out the crowd interactions.
Countdown Post
Keeping the audience or buyer excited and keep track of our campaign.
Exclusive Giveaway Post
Apperciation Post
As we thanks the audience for participating in this campaign and keep consumer continuously support local.
This is the final outcome of the product of the Graphic Tee-Shirt Design of the Kakilang Kakijual Tee. For more info you can check out on our instagram Respest Garment for more other design style as well. 
Kakilang Kakijual

Kakilang Kakijual

Is a campaign thats helps to drive local economy to move during this hard time ( pandemic period Covid-19)
